Your foreign exchange in France: Live with a French host family, and go to a local High School in France!
Nacel organizes a student exchange program in France dedicated to native Spanish and English speakers who study French at school: come to France for a few months, live with a volunteer host family, and go to a Lycée! This is the best way for you to become bilingual and bicultural!
This French exchange program takes place in high schools all across France. International students join school lectures as any other local student and graduation is possible, as long as the student remains at least 2 years in France (Grade 11 and 12). Most exchange students in France stay for a semester or an academic year and collect a transcript with subjects and grades from their French school.
Study Abroad in France / Subjects, grades and credits:
Before registering in the High School exchange program in France, students must gather all necessary information regarding the recognition of their exchange program abroad:
- If a grade report is required at the end of the program (Full academic year or semester program only), students must inform their Nacel counsellor with a list of specific classes that need to be attended. Nacel recommends that students arrange a meeting with their school counsellor to determine what subjects they need to attend while abroad, in order to be able to earn credits from their study abroad program. Nacel is not responsible for the procedures and information required for this process in the home country. However, our team of professionals provides you with full support to initiate the process. Note that your level in the French language will also determine your ability to earn credits: start to study the language even more intensively as soon as you book your exchange program to France!
- If you wish to graduate from a French Lycee, please note that it is possible as long as you study in year 11 and 12 and pass all exams with success.
- If you do not need to earn credits, your school year will be recognized in your career as an enriching gap year in France.
What should I expect from my French exchange program with Nacel?
- This School Year Abroad in France has been exclusively designed for international students who speak native English or Spanish. Volunteer families welcome international students speaking English or Spanish because they hope that this cultural exchange will also expose their own children to the foreign languages they study at school!
- Our students are placed with volunteer host families all across France.
- Students are usually placed in public schools during their school year in France but also have the opportunity to attend a private 5 day boarding or even a private permanent boarding school in France.
- Students arriving in late August and starting school in September participate in a 3-day cultural and linguistic orientation camp in Paris, where they meet with all other exchange students, coming from all over the world!.
- All students have the support and assistance of a local coordinator during their whole high school exchange program in France. An emergency phone number is also available at all times.
If you are rather a beginner in French or wish to study in English while you are in France, visit the website of our English-speaking high school of the Paris area: You will attend American subjects taught in English. You will attend a hour French class every day and do also have the opportunity to live with a French host family to practice your French!